Love is the unique form to live and to be happy

Author: Elvio Gutierrez Santana

Love is everything; where there is love does not lack God.

Now the psychologists say, perhaps without mistake that the love is commitment, passion and communication, but it goes beyond all this, is the manifestation of the worth of God in the human being,

Than the psychologists say, what of these elements serious the main one for me the passion, when realizing the act to love.

This revitalizes the life, doing to arise the commitment in a normal way and to flow the communication in a natural form.

When run out itself the passion of the act to love, the commitment is unbalanced, the way changes to a wounding form to speak. And until the familiar unit it can collapse.

Where there is love, it blooms the vitality and prosperity
This it offers to health and peace us to each member of the home, but it remembers that the same begins by the passion of the act to love.
The one that it loves can pardon,
The one that it loves is comprehensive
The one that it loves is not bitter and aggressive, he is sweet and warm
The one that it loves is not proud, he is humble and it is known to give,
The one that it loves does not know fighting, Quite the opposite, looks for the harmony and the peace.
The one that it loves is not possessive, educates and gives freedom,
But remembers whenever the same begins, by the passion of the act to love.
If you are afflicted by the daily to live on this so complex life, Tormented by immense problems,
You do not continue yourself drowning, looking for the death it dates an opportunity, it returns to love, it looks for your pair and it begins renewing the passion of the act to love.
Sides as the life will smile to you, the happiness you will be able to find and the stormy problems will be solved.

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